Greiner Talks: When Green Energy Meets Football

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Energy, food, mobility – these three areas are responsible for a large part of our global CO2 emissions. They are therefore a perfect starting point for reducing our personal footprint, because in the long term, we must respect the planetary boundaries in order to sustain our livelihoods. Our guest in the latest episode of Greiner Talks shows how we can achieve this transformation with creativity and persistency.

Dale Vince is the founder and CEO of Ecotricity, one of the most important providers of renewable energy in the UK. His dream of a life without fossil fuels began with just a single wind turbine. Today, his company supplies almost 200,000 customers with green electricity and gas. Besides his passion for green energy, he is a true football fan at heart and Chairman of Forest Green Rovers. Over the last decade, Dale has managed to turn the “Rovers” into the “world’s greenest football club”. He has proven that football clubs can not only be carbon neutral but also contribute to societal change.

Sometimes you have to take extraordinary paths to achieve great goals. Listen in and let Dale Vince’s story inspire you!

Dale Vince on LinkedIn
Forest Green Rovers
Podcast Zerocarbonista

“"We know what we need to do, and we have everything that we need to do it. We just need to get on with it!"”

Dale Vince, CEO of Ecotricity & Chairman of Forest Green Rovers
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