We unite against Corona. #impfenistdieantwort

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Vaccination campaign "We unite against Corona" is launched. Upper Austrian industrial companies are joining forces and appealing for vaccination readiness in cooperation with DMB.

Linz, 26 January 2022. A total of 22 Upper Austrian companies have joined forces and want to strengthen vaccination willingness with a broad-based communication campaign. The initiative is kicking off under the call-out "We unite against Corona". In video messages and print advertisements, the heads of the participating companies from Upper Austria will make an urgent appeal to all those who have not yet been vaccinated or are still hesitating.

Almost exactly 700 days after the first confirmed Covid-19 infection in Austria, the country is still in the grip of the virus. And exactly one year and one month after the first vaccination was administered in Austria, the vaccination rate is just under 76 percent of the eligible population.

Upper Austria unfortunately brings up the rear here with not even 68 percent - clearly too little for the much-invoked "game-changing effect" and the end of the pandemic.

In a jointly drafted appeal, the executive boards and managing directors of Upper Austrian companies appeal to people's sense of responsibility and solidarity as part of the campaign:

“We want to thank those who protect themselves and thus each other. All those who have had the vaccination are setting an example for social cohesion and are also actively contributing to keeping businesses running and thus securing jobs. To those who have not yet had themselves vaccinated, we would like to say: We understand that the pandemic is causing uncertainty. However, we will only be able to fight the pandemic successfully together and thus put an end to it. For this, it is still important that as many people as possible get vaccinated.”

Statement within the campaign

The campaign „We unite against Corona“ will be played out via a dedicated Instagram and Facebook-Account, via YouTube as well as via all channels of the participating companies and a landing page www.impfenistdieantwort.at. In addition, the campaign will also be reflected in print media. The #impfenistdieantwort will be used for this. The campaign was designed and planned with the support of the agency Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann / DMB. in Vienna.

The participating companies (in alphabetical order): AMAG Austria Metall AG, backaldrin International The Kornspitz Company GmbH, BMW Group, Energie AG Oberösterreich, ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH, EREMA Group GmbH, FACC AG, Greiner AG, GE Healthcare Austria GmbH & Co OG, Haidlmair GmbH, Hödlmayr International AG, KEBA Group AG, Lenzing Plastics GmbH & Co KG, Miba AG, Resch&Frisch Holding GmbH, Siemens AG Österreich, SKF Österreich AG, TCG UNITECH GmbH, TEUFELBERGER Holding GmbH, TroGroup GmbH, VIVATIS Holding AG, voestalpine AG

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